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Selling suicide

A dystopian Canadian infomercial presents euthanasia as an aspirational lifestyle choice.

A word about language

Assisted dying? Assisted suicide? Euthanasia? Dignity in dying? In the UK, ‘assisted dying’ has been the preferred term for the past decade or so. However, we prefer ‘assisted suicide’ and ‘euthanasia’ (ASE) because they are more accurate than ‘assisted dying’. It began in the USA. Whereas 42 states have laws against helping someone die by […]

Scotland be warned: Canada’s euthanasia law has been horrific

Kevin McKenna / The Herald IN Scotland, the implacable desire of those seeking to enable people to kill themselves more easily has endured for 13 years. A colossal amount of time, energy and money has been devoted to this project, involving dozens of MSPs, their advisors, the per-diem lobbying sector and at least two national […]

Canada’s Ministry of Death

Alexander Raikin / National Review How the euthanasia lobby conquered the Liberal Party It was supposed to be easy. If journalists asked the Honourable David Lametti, Canada’s minister of justice, a difficult question about euthanasia, he simply needed to read his talking points for February 24, 2020. A senior civil servant from his department prepared the […]